Review of Looper

Looper (2012)
On Second Thought - Not So Great
28 September 2012
Of course when you sit down with the popcorn to watch a movie about time travel you should be prepared for the time paradoxes and contradictions. In Looper they come in spades but unfortunately in this case they really don't make even a little sense

A quick summary of what the film is about: In the far future it is impossible to criminally dispose of bodies so the mob instead beams them back 30 years where "Loopers", in league with the future Mafia shoot them dead and crimate the remains. To tie up loose ends these Loopers themselves are also terminated in the same way by their younger selves, 30 years after they retire. This all goes swimmingly until a retiree escapes after being beamed into the past. Chaos ensues...

I have to say as I watched the movie unfold I enjoyed it. There was a good balance of action and drama and it was unpredictable enough to keep me on the edge of my seat.

However, now I am home I am thinking more about what nonsense the end actually was, (yes, a time paradox) and worse than that I also realize there is not one character in the film I liked. This makes it difficult to rave about later on.

Looper currently has a very high IMDb rating. I think over time it will come down to less rarefied altitude as it certainly doesn't deserve to be listed among the all time classics.

All that said, it's great fun, so don't let my tepid review stop you from seeing it. Make up your own mind. It's certainly worth watching if you are a sci-fi fan.
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