Cherry Bomb (2011)
No Cherries, Just a Bomb
29 September 2012
So in Recent years ever since Rodriguez and Taratino's Grindhouse flicks came out, we've had a slew of poor imitators coming out of the woodwork. Cherry Bomb isn't really all that different or the one thing that makes it stand out, is it's one of the freaking worst of the genre to come out.

First we have Cherry- late night stripper who is assaulted one night(thankfully it's more implied than shown) she's released from the hospital and immediately has plans for an upcoming murder/revenge spree. Instead of the character reflection, anger, humiliation, she just acts like a spoiled brat. I don't think I've ever disliked a character as much as her in any movie I've watched. Then there's the brother who really doesn't add too much- just helps reluctantly to off her assailants. the only other character of note is the hit man. a poor ripoff of Samuel L form Pulp fiction- rides around whilst wearing a suit and bad Fro wig, adds nothing to the film

Yes it's supposed to look like a cheap grindhouse movie, but it has no polish at all, horrible production value. I mean I've seen decent flicks on a shoestring budget, but this turd has really missed it's mark.

In short don't waste your time with this Bomb. stick to Hobo w Shotgun, Deathproof, or Planet Terror. Hell watch Troll 2 instead too.
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