Looks like you found the off switch....
11 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Eve is a military robot made to look exactly like her creator.

When she is damaged during a bank robbery, the robot begins to use more of the memories she has been programmed with by her creator, the dark, angry ones.

She becomes a killing machine if anyone tries to stop her.

A tap dancer is assigned to stop the robot and with the scientist who programmed her tries to think what she will do next....

This was the original Terminatrix, back in 1991 there were only two cyborgs, Arnie and Eve. Guess who is the least remembered? What I didn't get was just how serious the tone of the film was. Imean the film is basically about a nuclear bomb that gets frustrated when its called a certain word that is derogatory toward women, this should have been hilarious.

When Hines shows up, I thought, this could get the ribs tickled now this guy is in it, but he looks really angry through the film, and ruins the camp feel it should have.

Rene however you pronounce her surname, is really grim in this, at times I couldn't tell who was the cyborg and who was the Doctor, she was that wooden, and it's surprising considering shes so good in Spetters.

But, it's a cyborg movie, a nuclear bomb cyborg movie, and it deliver that typical cheesy nineties action you expect.

Yuppies get owned, hillbillies lose parts of them, and eyes get shot out by Hines, so all is not lost.

Early nineties video stores were rife with his type of film early in the nineties, this one wasn't that bad.
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