Lone Star (2010)
A lot of strengths and one fatal flaw... for me
30 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
To get the praise out front, I have nothing but positive thoughts about the casting, direction and even the quality of the writing that went into the episodes that aired. I watched, and would have continued to watch if it had continued.

I liked so much about the show, but I couldn't get past my nagging annoyance at the basic premise that a life long con man (Bob Allen) fell in love with two clueless marks at the same time. The morality of it doesn't bother me, part of the joy of fiction is to be able to root for the clever villain from time to time. It was the impracticality of it is what ruined it for me. I believe in love, and complicated tragic love is the best of all... at least in fiction. However, saying that this man lied on a near constant basis to both these women and came away calling it love over extended my suspension of disbelief.

The fix could have gone at least a couple of ways:

  • "Dexter" style. A bit bold and dingy even for FOX. Own that this is a fundamentally damaged if not broken man in need of far more then just the love of a good woman. A man so "off" from human norm that he can't even begin to feel or identify something like love even thought he desperately craves to have it at any cost.

  • "How I Met You Mother" style. Would have meant changing one scene in the premiere episode. When Bob Allen was asked at or near the end of the premiere, why? Regarding his choice to maintain the double life even as it was becoming dangerous. He answered (more or less), "Because I love them (the women) both." Had he answered, "Because I love one... and one can destroy me." I would have been completely hooked. Which one does he love? Can that same woman destroy him? Does she know what we know... or maybe even more? It's a cheesy gimmick, but season after season shows make the central plot mystery device work.

I was surprised that in the near universal critical praise the show received from professional media, that no one seemed to share my apprehensions about the show. And I was sorry that it left the air before the bodies started to stack up... "Dexter-style."
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