So what else is new?
10 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Once upon a time, Edmund Gwenn had millions of fans. He deserved them too. He was a great actor -- and a great person! Just how highly Gwenn and his films were regarded can be gauged by 20th Century Fox's "Exhibitor's Campaign Book" for "Something for the Birds". An extremely elaborate affair of 24 newspaper-sized pages, this "book" features a three-color cover. Although Mature is the first-billed star, he is represented only by a small, passbook-sized, head-and-shoulders photo. Pat Neal does a bit better with a small but elegant, full-sized shot. Dominating the cover, however, is Edmund Gwenn. And if the size of his picture was not enough to draw the exhibitor's immediate attention, he even has a prominent tag line as well to the effect that "Mr. 880 Is Back...881 times phonier." Gwenn is also prominently featured in almost all the ad blocks. There are even small-sized blocks and a beautiful picture spread that feature Gwenn only, As for the movie itself, I wouldn't say it was the funniest movie I.A.L. Diamond ever wrote -- but it comes close. Its conservation theme was a rarity in 1952. If anything, the movie is even more relevant today. And it's directed by Robert "Sound of Music" Wise!
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