Review of Faithless

Faithless (1932)
The depression is over.. Now it's the panic that's setting in.
9 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Poor and spoiled rotten little rich girl Carol Morgan, Tallulah Bankhead, is in for a great shock where her both bank accounts as well as stock & bond portfolios goes bust just when she was to marry the handsome Oscar Myers Weiner sausage advertiser Bill Wade, Robert Montogomery. At first feeling that Bill's meager $20,000.00 a year saleary,$275,000 in 2012 dollars, would't be enough for her and Bills lifestyle. That in Bill insisting that he not Carol is the one who's to wear the pants as well as pay the bills in the family. But even that fell by the wayside will Bill's advertising firm going bust the very day the two were to get married!

Putting her marriage with Bill on the back burner and living off her rich friend's money Carol sham of still being rich soon falls apart when it's discovered by those that she's grubbing off that she hasn't a pot to you know what in much less the cash to pay them back with! It's then that Carol slowly descends into poverty with Bill, whom she had since married, doing his best to keep the couple's heads above water things get even worse! That's when Bill as a scab for an on strike trucking company ends up being banged up in a truck accident by a couple of outraged truckers who's job, for half the salary they were getting, he had taken away from them. With Bill desperately needing immediate medical help Carol swallows her pride and decided to walk the streets as a hustler, or hooker, to get the money to pays his medical bills. While hooking on the streets Carol runs into,or tries to pick up, Bill's brother Tony, Maurice Murphy, that in him knowing that she's now down in the gutter just about destroys her emotionally as well as morally.

***SPOILERS*** It's then that the kindly but stern Irish cop Carter, Henry Kolker, came on the scene and instead of running in Carol for prostitution as well as public intoxication that she can get as much as 9 month in the can, or jail, gets her a job as a waitress. with the meager money that she makes as a waitress Carol is able to pay the bills in the Wade household thus putting food on the table as well keeping a roof over both her and Bill's heads. It's When Bill now fully recovered got himself a job making $60.00 a week in the advertising world you would think everything is now all right for the struggling couple. That's until Tony shows up and brings up the sad fact that Carol was doing some hooking on the side while he was laid up in the apartment with a number of broken ribs! The ending of the movie will really get to you in Bill's reaction to the news that he got from is kid brother Tony. Knowing that Carol has a heart of gold and wherever she did was for the best not worst for both of them Bill dropped the entire matter and together with a grateful and loving Carol the two decided to start anew and put the past, the sad and troubled past, far behind them.
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