Brilliant! What a way to end!
21 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say, A TELLTALE GAME SERIES did it, They made a throat clenching ending which definitely tugged on my heart strings and closed the series off with a cry. Like many of the Walking Dead series (TV or Game) they always leave you wanting more and every single episode is filled with action packed events and dramatic decisions which make you think "how can they top this in their next episode" but magically they do, but if you think hard enough how will they ever make a climax to this series, an ending which will linger in our minds for time to come. Well "No Time Left" does this. It left me in tears nearing the end and that is exactly what you want. I applaud games that get me emotionally hooked with the protagonist and leave me an emotional wreck when something bad happens to them. For this whole episode I felt like a hero, making sacrifices and brave decisions which could put myself in danger, I aided my friends when they were in dire need and shouted with sadness as they made sacrifices, I was split up from the group and walked as a lone man to my objective. My wounds are getting worse and I become weaker but I strive on, until I uncover the mystery that has been rising it's ugly head for the past two episodes. I stand gob-smacked as it unfolds and the event ends, I'm in the clear, most of the danger is over and I am safe with but my wounds are becoming fatal and are only a reminder this can only end one way. I use tactics to get us from one place to the other but Lee is weak, he must rest, he awakes in a room with the person he has spent the entirety of the game with. He slumps, his words faded and his eyes withered. My throat beginning to swell. Lee uses his final words to instruct his sidekick to restrain him for her own safety and we get some heart wrenching dialogue to follow. The whole scenario leaves the player feeling like they have left a legacy behind that you know is the one you have moulded yourself from the beginning of the game and is sad when you have to let go. Bravo TELLTALE GAMES, this was a great final which I hope many other people can experience. There are bad things to say like all games but some are best left unsaid as they are only minor and didn't effect my gameplay at all. Sad to see the series end but wow what a way to end. Thank You.
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