The Vidiot Reviews...
26 November 2012
Step Up Revolution

Before inviting you to a "flash mob" people should emphasize to not show up wearing nothing but a trench coat.

Thankfully, the participants in this dance movie know that flash mobs don't involve exposed genitals.

When Emily (Kathryn McCormick), an aspiring ballerina, relocates to Miami with her developer father (Peter Gallagher), she falls for Sean (Ryan Guzman), the mastermind behind The Mob, a group that performs spontaneous dances in public spaces.

Determined for his crew to win a Youtube contest, Sean's money-driven flash mobs must be put on hold when Emily's dad threatens to redevelop The Mob's neighbourhood.

Motivated by morals, The Mob now implements elaborate dances of dissent at investor parties.

Despite the movie's facile grasp of grassroots protest and highly improbable ending, Step Up Revolution features some of the best moves of the series.

As for how to prevent flash mobs from occurring, simply install cell phone jammers. (Yellow Light)

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