Before Reviewing a TV show, always watch more than 5 episodes...
28 November 2012
Yes, that is one of the basics when Reviewing for real - a TV show usually changes in between the first row of episodes.

About this specific one? It isn't THAT bad! It's not good either, but it's definitely not THAT bad - unless you only watched the first/ second episode, but that would be lame wouldn't it? To have a glance and THEN come here Review about the whole show you didn't watch? The first episodes (the first two), specially the first (which was DREADFUL), were bad. The acting was so weird that I wondered what was wrong with the actors. The script was a bit flat, and the lines weren't worth TV time unless the show was a comedy about awkwardness... Yes, it was flatter than an unseasoned pancake. But then it changed. It bloomed - at least enough to be a flower anyway, not a beautiful one, but a flower nonetheless. The first two episodes got me wanting to stop watching the show, yes: BUT I didn't. Out of respect, experience about the course of TV Shows, and in order to acquire the right to come here and there reviewing and talking about the TV Show without resembling a 3 year old who didn't like the first and only bite of a new dish and throws a tantrum about that one bite. We can all do better as Reviewers.
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