Couple gets caught up in crook's scheme
10 December 2012
Wally (a crime writer) and Toby (his bride to be) are out for a drive, and break down in front of a house where big time crook (Jake Dillon, played by E. Arnold) and his cronies are planning evil deeds. The author talks and talks, insulting the "gang" more and more with each sentence. He gets caught up in Dillon's schemes, and tries to figure a way out. Strong leading roles by Ernest Truex and the pro Una Merkel. Directed by Elliott Nugent, who had directed a couple of Bob Hopers.... so he should know a thing or two about making movies. Viewers will recognize "Joe", Olympic athlete turned actor Nat Pendleton, who frequently played the mug. Good, entertaining fun. The story must have something to it, since it has been remade as film and TV shows several times.
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