not for Christmass event
10 December 2012
I think it is a disrespectful show especially Paella Anderson, the playboy star, playing the Version Mary. Also, she was pretending having an affair! Some jokes were nice when Russell Peters started the show, but things went ugly after that! Even last year in the Late Night Show they talked about how bad is the choice of Pamela Anderson to play Virgin Mary.

CTV should take out this video and not show it in Christmas time every year because this message is an expression of hating the Christ and the Christianity. It is an anti christen mission more than a comedy.

I would suggest cutting out the scene of the birth of Christ so the show would be presentable. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of the Christ the Savior, so if we insult the Christ by celebrating that day it would be like going to someone house celebrate his birthday eat his cake and then insulting him in his house! The rest of the show would not be perfectly orthodox but it will not be insulting.
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