Review of Mararía

Mararía (1998)
Emotive drama about a loving triangle with engaging interpretation , breathtaking cinematography and acceptable direction
25 December 2012
This Spanish picture is an enjoyable story with an interesting characterizing about a few characters , tragic drama and colorful outdoors . Based on a novel by Rafael Arozarena who used his native Islas Canarias background to write an overblown tragic drama novel , being screen-written by the same filmmaker Antonio Jose Betancort . Located in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain , there arrives a new Basque Doctor (Carmelo Gomez) who falls in love with gorgeous 'Mararía' (Goya Toledo) , fostered daughter to witch Herminia (Mirta Ibarra) . Later on , there arrives by plane an English volcano expert (Iain Glen) and Mararia becomes pregnant , turning the young medic exceedingly jealous.

The film contains human drama , passion , emotion , tragical events , Canarian habits , complemented with a loving triangle . These elements provide the setting for this piece of dramatic deeds , giving it its own special quality and ambient . In addition , there are brief exploration about Canarias native way of life with their rites , customs , ceremonies , superstitions and mythologies . Being wonderfully filmed on location in Lanzarote and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands , Spain . Top-notch protagonist trio , Carmelo Gomez-Goya Toledo-Iain Glenn , all of them give fine acting . The storyline relies heavily on the continued relationship among them but it doesn't make boring , however the film is slow moving . Goya Toledo is marvelous and charming with her sweet and enjoyable countenance . Good support cast formed by a plethora of notorious Spanish actors , such as Mirta Ibarra as Herminia , José Manuel Cervino as Marcial , Manuel Manquiña as Geito , Francisco Casares as D. Leandro and Antonio Dechent as Lazaro . Colorful and evocative cinematography by Juan Ruiz Anchia who has been making a prestigious career in Hollywood , such as Close range , House of game and River runs black , here he shows splendidly the impressive landscapes . Sensitive and emotive soundtrack by the musician and singer Pedro Guerra , including catching songs . The film was deservedly winner three Goya Awards , including best cinematography and best new actress , Goya Toledo . The motion picture was well directed by Antonio Jose Betancort (1942-2006) who was born and died in Tenerife , Islas Canarias . He was a good filmmaker , little prolific , he only directed ¨Valentina¨ with Anthony Quinn , its following ¨1919 Cronica Del Alba¨ and TV episodes for series as ¨Juglar y Reina¨ and ¨Paisaje Con Figuras¨ . Rating : 7 , better than average , worthwhile watching .
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