Review of Gin & Dry

Gin & Dry (2010)
Honesty and humour in equal measures
30 January 2013
'Gin and Dry' captures today's loutish generation who'll do anything for a drop of alcohol. Intimidation, violence, hostage taking, nothing is too much for these individuals and their lust for a strong drink. Sometimes they're even willing to put their lives and Zimmer frames on the line for it.

In reality 'Gin and Dry' makes use of elderly actors for the cast and a care home as the setting, to tell a very honest story. As with any good film the audience are made to think and one of the pleasures of such a short piece is that it doesn't feel at all didactic. The brevity means that we are provoked and then just as quickly left alone to debate and ponder the issues we feel are most important.

As the central character Albie makes clear, these characters aren't going to be around for too much longer and although many films may deal with life and death, the setting of 'Gin and Dry' provides death with an immediacy that heightens the effect of the story. Alongside debating the roles of alcohol, mortality, love and everything in between, you question why older people are so rarely given the lead roles.

Capture avoid using the typical higher angle shots that often depict older characters as small and fragile. The particularly shallow focus used also adds a hint of the cinematic and the Christmas lights provide warmth to contrast with the honesty of the content. As the camera slowly focuses in on the record Albie has chosen, undulating as it plays, we are led into the wonderfully inspired final shot of the film. The style of the ending perfectly completes a film that is quite simply, a good story told well.
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