Springfield Rifle
3 February 2013
Gary Cooper plays the role of "Major Lex Kearny" who is tasked with getting a desperately needed herd of horses to the Union army. On the way there he encounters a large group of raiders and rather than risk the loss of men decides to retreat and allow the raiders to have the herd. Although he was out-numbered 4 to 1, his superiors feel that he should have put up more of a fact and as a result he is tried in a court-martial for cowardice and drummed out of the service. Now,rather than divulging what happens after that and risk spoiling the movie for those who haven't seen it, I will just say that I thought that this was a good Western movie with events that don't always happen as one might expect. And while it's an entertaining film, Gary Cooper is the only actor worth mentioning as far as performances are concerned. All in all, this was a decent movie which fans of this genre will probably enjoy. Slightly above average.
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