Fun, but one of those cases where the second half is better than the first
5 February 2013
Trombone Trouble has enough to entertain anybody fond of Disney or Donald Duck. It did entertain me, but at the same time it didn't wow me over. The first half is rather slow, the gags don't really kick in until later on and this particular half is more setting the story up and takes for my liking a little too long to do so. When my flatmates, some friends and I had a Disney short marathon last night, one found herself asking questions like how loud Pete's trombone playing was to wake up and infuriate the gods and what the gods were doing residing over the United States. While I am not as picky when watching cartoon shorts, her questions I feel were valid, even I was intrigued by the volume of the playing and how the force of it didn't destroy anything, and when you're asking yourself these kind of questions it could take away from your enjoyment. The second half quickens up the pace though, and the gags are fun and well-timed, Pete's playing is awful and all the funnier for it. I also liked that it was one of the rare cases where Donald wins, and seeing as I'm having trouble with noisy neighbours at the moment I could identify with his situation. The animation is excellent with lots of sumptuous colour and fluid detail, and the music is both dynamic and energetic. Donald and Pete are well-matched and their personalities shine as they're played to their strengths. Overall, not the most even of Disney shorts but it is fun and entertaining, and there's not much of a reason for people to really dislike it. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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