A True "Shemp" classic
12 February 2013
wow, where to begin? this is a classic on so many counts! the featured clothing store is a modern "vintage" clothing collector's dream, with tons of double breasted wide label suits hanging everywhere, note how tailored suits had the initials embroidered inside the label, and the owners name written in a tag inside the breast pocket, which i learned much later and never understood as a wee lad how Moe found out whose suit it was! When I first discovered Stooges reruns on a local UHF channel, I think the first episodes I caught featured Shemp, and it was my pop who told me about Curly, whom I did eventually see, of course, but I always dug Shemp's antics, and his hair all over his face especially after Moe slapped him.. Just as he does his routine with the card table in Flagpole Jitters, here he wrestles with the ironing board which culminates with accidentally hitting Moe in the face with the broom, and Moe's reaction is as usual, priceless! This was the peak of their shorts, in my opinion, and one of which I never grow tired of watching.. Enjoy!
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