John Dies At The End is a post-modernist, demented devil spawn of a film vomited sporadically upon an unsuspecting screen
18 February 2013
The title tells us that John dies at the end – he does die, at some point I'm quite sure, was it at the start, middle or end, I'm not sure.

I don't even know when the film begins, or if in fact it ever does.

John Dies At The End is a post-modernist, demented devil spawn of a film vomited sporadically upon an unsuspecting screen.

It follows two unlikely drug fuelled "heroes" David Wong and John Cheese as they embark on a time shifting journey to save the destruction of the world, or at least that's what I think I gathered was happening.

The plot (or lack of) is not really what director Coscarelli concentrates his attention on, instead opting to go for shock and style over any actual substance.

The dialogue sometimes meanders into pseudo-intellectual ramblings and post-Matrix consciousness but never really goes deeper than the two slacker protagonists allow it to.

Instead, I was more impressed with the exciting visuals that are thrown in our face.

Demons, shadow monsters, ghost hands and absurd hallucinations are regular guests in the nonsensical world that we are exposed to, so much so that we completely suspend any sort of real expectations and surrender to the lunacy of the film... www.ravechild.co.uk
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