21 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you're as lucky as me, for a little less than 2 hours you'll suspend your judgment on things and let yourself in for a pleasant ride through the themes that have obsessed humanity for ages just like if you were enjoying a 2 chord love pop song. Once you adjust to the cliché-ridden cinematic language, you develop the necessary antibodies to enjoy this film. As for the recurrence of the theme (mismatching ages in couples) one can say that the way it's dealt with it's in itself a blow to the notion that chronological age coincides with personal evolution. And, I believe films are a great means to delve into this very fact, which society in general discredits. Even more so considering the film successfully stays away from the moral debate and controversy, maybe portraying a very strong willed young lady that one wouldn't for a minute feel was being deceived or coerced into a relationship with an older man. The characters are satisfactorily amusing, and humor in general does spice up the flow of things in general. The fact the film is Italian and not Hollywood is a definite plus, at least for the change.

The ending, mildly unanticipated, spares us from the typical lecture on sensibility and maturity and gives way to a praise of passion we all need to see. To conclude, although making a list of cinematic and narrative atrocities would be far too easy, I feel this film's perk is that you can really enjoy it in full awareness that none of it bares much resemblance with reality.
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