Ghosthunter (2000)
Technical Values Can't Save A Predictable Story
24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Being unemployed means I've got a lot of time on my hands . Sitting around watching movies and reviewing them on the IMDb is okay to a certain extent but I want a little bit more useful substance in my spare time so spend Friday afternoons in a film group alongside Graeme, George Alan and Jase . We have a short film in production at the moment written by George featuring a paedophille getting rough but well deserved justice . We're all contributing to a more or lesser degree ( Certainly lesser in my case ) so to tie in with behind the scenes production Graeme brought in the DVD of this movie and played the making of extra before showing us the film proper

Slight mistake on the part of Graeme with hindsight . You know when you watch a trailer for a film and it contains the final scene ? It's amazing how no one comes to the conclusion that the final denountment is featured in a trailer until after the audience has seen the movie . Not so here where a clip shows a character appearing to protagonist Charlie Fielding . Even watching this scene totally out of context you're totally aware that this will be the end of the story which meant the audience of my film class knew where the story was heading in before we saw the opening credits

This probably isn't a criticism since we were learning how to produce a movie not learning about narrative or story structure . The featurette itself mainly revolved around husband and wife team Simon Corris and Alison Redihough scraping together £22,000 to produce a short film in the hope that'll get them in the shop window with the hope of breaking in to feature length film production . One interesting point is that they've wheeled out some big names such as Freddie Francis as part of their big gun technical crew . One wonders therefore why they used inexperienced cinematographer Gavin Struthers ? Did they not have the budget to use Francis himself ?That said the technical aspects of the production are impressive

As it stands storywise GHOSTHUNTER is a very gentle , very English type of ghost story revolving around parapsychologist Charlie Fielding who talks to the dead . Interesting that despite having these talents he never accepts money from the people who employ him . Don't you see he's a good guy and as you might expect in this type of story good things alwayshappen to good guys so we have a predictable story without any cynicism which might appeal to some people but did little for me
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