20 March 2013
I was a kid in the 1950s, so I remember all the classic sci-fi movies first hand. There were great ones like The Thing from Another World, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet, War of the Worlds and 20 Million Miles to Earth.

There were less great ones like Red Planet Mars, Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, This Island Earth and The Blob. Then there were the turkeys.

Stuff like It Conquered the World (1956), Not of This Earth (1957), The Beast With 1,000,000 Eyes (1955) and, of course, Plan 9 from Outer Space (1958) gave sci-fi a black eye and hurled the genre into the mud for decades. Some of those titles (and there are scores of them) have become cult classics, but they were schlock, let's face it.

Apparently, that's what Steven Fisher and James Swift were going for when they wrote Alien Trespass. That's what they got. Schlock.

The actors in Alien Trespass are the only surprise - this turkey has some excellent actors, led by Eric McCormack - but they can't save a film that has nothing new to offer. Many send-ups of 1950s sci-fi movies have succeeded (Mars Attacks!) This one fails.

Save time and skip it.
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