Goofy comedy with great cast zips along
26 March 2013
Jack Haley is hilarious as Joe Jenkins, a barber hooked on gossip magazines.

Joe worships society darling Patricia Randolph (Betty Furness), though he has no hopes of ever meeting her….until he's asked to impersonate a wealthy customer and attend a business rendezvous—with Patricia's father. The comedy of mistaken identity that ensues is wild, witty and rather sweet.

The supporting cast is packed with wonderful character actors: Ray Walburn as the blustery father desperate to make a deal; Arthur Treacher as the haughty butler; Edward Brophy as police detective McNutt; Tom Dugan as a would-be tough guy out to defend family honor….Non-stop nuts.

Haley and Furness are equally delightful as the two leads. Furness is charming and lively, a good match for Haley's breathless antics; she comes the closest of anyone in the picture to playing a straight role. Haley is frantic yet earnest—and quite charming in his own way. The two share some cute scenes, especially a romantic moment in a dark attic.

This Hal Roach production displays plenty of characteristic Roach studio touches….like when Haley unfolds his handkerchief and daintily lays it out on a porch step to sit on, and then sits next to it instead of on it.

It's a very funny picture—fast paced and full of clever dialog. Great fun!
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