Redneck Zombies (1989 Video)
This is what happens if Walking Dead was product by Troma
1 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is a lot of brainless, motionless corpses in this film. I'm not talking about the zombies, here. I'm talking about the people who made this film. If you ever want to see a movie that fails in everything, this is that film. The people in the film didn't even wanted their names on it. Directed by Pericles Lewnes and written by Fester Smellman and Zoofeet. It has Alan Smithee's written all over the credits. The film makers could have at less, pick realism fake names than corny puns. This movie sets public perception of the Deep South back a few decades, but it was film in Maryland. Yes, Maryland has a lot of rednecks indeed. The movie starts out with an insane asylum with a survivor which kinda ruins the film. I guess, we know who lives, so why bother watching this movie. After dealing with that character, we get a flashback of a soldier delivery toxic waste to an army camp. Rather than paying attention to the road, he was talking to his dog while smoking a joint. Don't ask why his dog was allow to be in army jeep, no less, an army jeep with toxic waste! Who smokes a joint, delivering toxic waste? He offers his joint to the dog which cases him to crash and lose the barrel. While searching, he gets scare off by a fat local redneck. The fat one then finds the barrel and shows it to his fellow hicks trying it's a new still and begin brewing. The hooch comes out green and awful, but of course they drink it anyway. One of them, Ellie May, a gay hillbilly leaves to make the delivery run to town turning them into the living dead. A Homosexual redneck. Yes, nothing is safer to come out than the Deep South. Pa and sons drink the hooch and turn into redneck zombies. Meanwhile, some novice campers enter the woods to set up a camp. It's not long before the zombies find the campers and of course, the bloodbath begins. As many people have pointed out, the movie is pretty much intentionally bad with as much blatant weirdness as the filmmakers could stuff into it such in the case like the Tobacco Man that acts like an Ice Cream Man, but looks like Scarecrow from Batman Begins or Redneck Elephant Man Jason Voorhees. He's probably the best character in the film. It's just an example of Troma's anti-tobacco policies. The tobacco man was a big user of tobacco, and he's talking about himself when he talks about the big-city doctor cutting off half your face. Bitter about his own situation, the Tobacco Man is trying to make addicts out of everyone, so they can feel the pain he does. Or so I think, I could be wrong. Still, I have no clue what does he have to do with zombies. Honestly there is a lot of scenes that go nowhere. There's a delivery scene to the freelance butcher that makes no sense. A scene with a hitchhiker who shaves himself and try to shave the driver and take photos while driving. A scene with a drooling redneck and a duck taped girl sitting in the living room watching baby chickens on the TV. As much as the Hillbillies are badly written. The campers are just as annoying. There's the obsessive compulsive camper who changes his shirt all the time with different written words shirts all the time. Then another one pre-vet school camper Bob who freaks out and does an autopsy on one of their dead friends while hallucinating on acid. The sound and visual effects in this scene hurts my ears and eyes to the point, it might be bleeding. Bob is just an annoying comic relief character. He's like the real life Jar Jar Binks. The acting is atrocious. It is shot on video in incredibly poor quality. The makeup effects are incredibly primitive to the point that one of the zombies look like a blue smurf. Why is the blue smurf zombie even talking? Zombies don't talk. The editing is badly done as certain scenes have actors talking mid through their lines and suddenly it's cut to a new scene. Couldn't they have wait for the actor to finish his dialogue first! The writing is some of the worst, most obvious and most stupidly stereotypical I have ever run across. I don't understand why there is only sub-title in one side. Even the narrator text can't spell. I don't understand what tone this movie was going for, I mean it seems to be going for a parody in a few moments but it has an utterly bleak ending. Then again maybe I shouldn't question such trash, since the filmmakers obviously didn't think anything highly of it. Pass on this one, don't even rent unless you want to laugh at how bad it is, and even that might not work.
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