Ben 10: Alien Swarm (2009 TV Movie)
Better Than The First
2 April 2013
I didn't think a live action feature length adaptation of an animated show could get any worse than M. Night Shymalan's dismal 2010 "Last Airbender". That is until I saw the first twenty minutes of "Ben-10: Race against Time." I couldn't make myself watch the rest. So I didn't really have high hopes for "Alien Swarm" the first time I took a look at it; (which was only a few weeks ago). After the same twenty minutes had passed, I was hooked. Unlike "Race against Time," or "The Last Airbender", This movie is well written, well directed,and wonder of wonders, actually stars good actors. (O.K. Lee Majors was good as Grandpa Max in the first film, but he was the only one.)
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