Was an OK at home, movie night watch..
8 April 2013
I don't think this movie get's enough credit. It is not a movie you pay over 5 dollars to watch, but it's worth the watch. It's not a horror movie that is going to scare your hands over your mouth, but it's an OK movie to watch if you've seen everything else.

It is a along the lines of a teenage flick, like Fear Island or Final Destination (not the plots, but the direction). It's kind of following the plot of the movie Fallen somewhat. It's not a typical storyline, it's a not the same old horror movie we're seeing now a days at least. One also needs to keep in mind that it is a low budget film, with low-budget actors, low-budget everything; so it isn't gonna win any Oscar's or anything.

If you're looking for a great movie to watch and get a feeling of "ooh, I wanna watch that again!" then, this is not your movie. However, if your looking for something to watch on a rainy night or because you're bored give it a go.

Like I said, don't pay a whole load of money to watch this movie, but if it is free or really cheap, try it. I's not so bad you're gonna wish you watched something else or feel you wasted your time, but not so good you're gonna be saying "that was an awesome movie!"

Good Luck!!
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