A significant improvement though still not the great film that we all seem to be waiting for from Cianfrance
22 April 2013
The new Derek Cianfrance (Blue Valentine) flick has been acquiring much buzz and anticipation and it's easy to see why with the Gos at the helm.

Full disclosure, I found Blue Valentine muddled and largely unsympathetic, and I'm still on the fence about whether Ryan Gosling is actually an actor or just a piece of eye-candy.

Anyway, my interest certainly piqued at this new feature, and it was a significant improvement though still not the great film that we all seem to be waiting for from Cianfrance.

Much like Blue Valentine, this focuses on the class system of the state of his native New York, and there are some breathtaking moments and scenery to be had, akin to the master Terence Malick.

Without going into spoilers, this film is at its best in its structure.

This almost becomes its own undoing when it lingers just a little too long in certain scenes (one thing I did like Blue Valentine for) and begins to drag – particularly in the final third act – but it's refreshing to see a young director take a chance within the triptych form... www.ravechild.co.uk
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