No Smoking (1955)
Up In Smoke
23 April 2013
Reg Dixon was a radio comedian whose signature tune was "Confidentially".He looks rather like the magician David Nixon.Dixon had a very limited film career of two films,of which,unsurprisingly this is the last.The film is based on a play.However the idea is clearly borrowed from "The Man In The White Suit".Namely the reaction of a major industry to its profits plunging.However i find the idea of a no smoking pill in the 1950s film as being rather out of place.i cannot recall any major desire on the populations part to give up smoking.this was before the link to cancer was established.In fact when you went to the cinema you used to have to watch the film through a cloud of smoke.You could see the rising smoke picked out by the beam of the projector.This is a very lame comedy and it actually sent me off to sleep.
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