Barman wanted!
3 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Derek Farr (Peter Burden) is an army deserter who is blackmailed by Kenneth More when More wanders into a pub on a coastal town and recognizes him serving drinks behind the bar. Farr goes on the run again and ends up owing rent to his landlord in London, who threatens him with eviction. Farr then goes into a pawnshop with a gun at the exact same time as an armed robbery is taking place. A policeman is killed and the assistant falsely thinks that Farr is one of the armed gang. Once again he's on the run, this time for his implication in the robbery and the killing of a policeman. He teams up with Joan Hopkins (Jean) and sets out to prove his innocence in this latter crime. Chief Inspector Edward Chapman and detective Laurence Harvey are the police trying to solve the case.

This is a quick moving film that unfortunately suffers from a poor quality print. However, the story involves the audience despite some of the sliminess of Laurence Harvey and how he speaks. Joan Hopkins also effects a ridiculous Englishness when she talks, eg, the word "actually" becomes "ectually" - that kind of over-pronunciation nonsense.

I tend to think that Derek Farr was a pretty lucky chap. Everyone seems to buy his story about being in the pawnshop as a victim. This is never made clear. From what we see, he pulls a gun out which is pointing at the assistant at the time that the burglars burst in. He was about to rob the place himself! Still, the film holds your interest till the conclusion, which has a fair British outcome.
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