Matt's Chance (2013)
Matt's Chance is a very unique and entertaining independent- a Must See!
10 May 2013
I saw Matt's Chance at the VIFF, in Las Vegas. I was initially intrigued with the cast of the movie and wanting to check it out. Some of the cast includes Edward Furlong, Gary Busey, Margot Kidder, and Lee Majors. Recognizable faces for sure from many different diverse backgrounds and many years of experience. In what is a "very" dark, intense and edgy comedy about Furlong and his girlfriend, a cast of strange characters, and maybe even more in the humor found in the introspection, continually bouncing from reality to unreality. Somehow, all is cleverly pulled together and harnessed by a definite up-and-coming talent, in Director, Nicholas Gyeney.

With Edward Furlong in his best work to date, Furlong, naturally rides this dark and edgy vibe right out of the gate. He really finds the right right track and pulls you in and stays on course. Gary Busey, is in his natural habitat as the pawn shop owner. Margot Kidder (Louis Lane- Superman) appears out of the fog and does a very intriguing elderly stripper ... that is not routine. Lee Majors (the Six Million Dollar Man- are you kidding me!) as the Barber, and ... Brandy Kopp, plays the beautiful girlfriend to warm things up. Bill Sorice nails the mob boss and Edward Michael Scott plays the rival, Tyler Swift ... not to be confused with Taylor Swift.

I really believe we are going to see some great things from this fast, up-and-coming director, Nicholas Gyeney. On top of the cast doing a solid performances, Gyeney, does a masterful job of bringing it all together. Keep your eye on this guy.
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