Marvin Marvin (2012–2013)
One of the Worst Shows I've Ever Seen
11 May 2013
Typically, with shows like this, I'll watch an episode to gage how good (or bad) it is. Yeah, I couldn't make it through an episode.. Hell, I couldn't even make it through five minutes before trying to run away from this poor excuse of a show. It is AWFUL. Absolutely AWFUL.

The actors should be ashamed to even affiliate themselves with this.

The episode that I just saw had to do with some Earth Day stuff and the main character (Marvin) was preparing for this before learning that his Uncle Steve was coming to visit. And who played his uncle? French Stewart. Yeah, the guy from 3rd Rock From the Sun. He must be DESPERATELY seeking work to affiliate himself with this "show". That, or/and he's blown all of his money savings and will do anything to get some money. That's the only reason I can think of for French Stewart to appear in a show like this. In all honesty, I feel sorry for him. I would hate to be him right now, as I'm sure most people would after seeing that episode because frankly, I wanted to gouge my eyes out. It was horrific and is honestly one of the worst TV shows I have ever seen in my 23 years of existence.

And I also feel sorry for Casey Sander, who plays Bernadette's father on the Big Bang Theory (one of my favorite shows). According to IMDb, he's been in a dozen episodes in this franchise and he must be in the same boat as French Stewart. I would rather be the janitor at Wal-Mart or at a Special Kids Camp than be a part of "Marvin, Marvin".

The kid who plays Marvin, Lucas Cruitylaodfjkdfashnk or whatever the f*** his name is, is a HORRIBLE actor. He just can't do it. And that's the worst part of the show. None of the people on the show can act. The aforementioned French Stewart and Casey Sander can (I've seen them in other stuff), so I know they're not the problem. The others are. The dude that plays Marvin must bring everyone down with him -- that, and the scripts are downright horrendous.

The only reason that this show would be even somewhat enjoyable to watch is that the mom is kinda hot. That's about it. Other than that, I don't know what redeeming qualities people see in this. Nickelodeon has gone downhill, BAD. When I was a kid, I had All That, Hey Arnold!, Rocko's Modern Life, Doug, Rocket Power, Rugrats, Angry Beavers and many other great and enjoyable shows. But now, it appears that this network has just gone down the crapper and it has to do with shows like "Marvin, Marvin" and that Fred show, which Lucas Cruikshank also starred in apparently (didn't know that, but I assume it was horrible too).

If I could give this show a negative rating, I would. But unfortunately, I can't and that sucks. Do yourself a favor and go rent some of the worst movies of all-time like Gigli, Movie 43, The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, Bio-Dome, Catwoman, Jack and Jill, Superbabies, or Battlefield Earth because chances are, they're 100x better than this crap.
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