The Catamount Killing (1974 TV Movie)
Has some interest
25 May 2013
Obviously, with the Polish director and German actor Horst Bucholz making this movie in the U.S., it's obvious that the German backers were hoping to disguise this movie as American and sucker Americans into seeing it. The fact that this movie is all but forgotten today shows how well their plan went. Actually, this isn't a bad movie as some previous user comments have pictured it. Horst Bucholz gives a pretty good performance, making a lead character who is completely unlikable, yet interesting enough that you are interested in what will happen to him at the end. The actual bank robbery as well as what happens to the robbers in the days afterwards is also pretty interesting - I kept watching because I wanted to know what would happen. The only real flaws the movie has is that some parts of the movie seem to be missing key linking footage, and the very end of the movie is somewhat unsatisfying. But the movie as a whole manages to keep your interest.
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