Impressive short film
27 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Finally watching my Blu-ray copy of Michaël R. Roskam's Bullhead, I also got to watch this short film also starring Matthias Schoenaerts.

Two men are looking for someone. As they sit down at an outdoor café, one of them is noticeably injured (a broken nose). They order drinks, and soon an older gentleman sits down with them. Flashbacks take place, and we watch the two men who were out partying the night before. We see how the one got injured, and how his friend evidently left him to get beaten- but have we seen it all? Bits and pieces come to us between flashbacks, and their chat with the older gentleman who now is buying a round with them. Soon, we see who they were looking for, and the truth behind their night before. Better yet, maybe even a chance for redemption.

Very impressive little short film from Roskam. I enjoyed the gradual reveal of what was truly going on, and the dialogue was pretty well done. 9 out of 10. There was only a little 'something' missing, but I can't put my finger on it. Still great, and highly recommended. Make sure to watch Bullhead- one of my all-time favourites.
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