Talky But Absorbing
2 June 2013
'The Girl By The Lake" is a good mystery movie with several suspects and a detective with an insinuating style that gradually arrests your attention. It defies you to pick the murderer and keeps its secret until nearly the last scene, and is gorgeously photographed. The suspects backgrounds and possible motives are uncovered like layers of an onion, so towards the end of the picture you feel you are nowhere closer to a solution than when it started. In this respect it is a masterful screenplay and with an intelligent script. No complaints here, right?

Well, one small one. Why so much talking? Most of us appreciate good screen writing, but this picture had so much of it. Would have been nice to see some action or at least some scenes with some energy, but it's like reading a letter - all the words and sentences are in one tone of voice, with no emotional highs or lows to be found. The movie is saved from a lower rating by the efforts of Toni Servillo as the Police Inspector, a nondescript sort who showed a great deal of charisma and brought his character to life. I do not agree with a contributor who felt the support cast was amateurish as they were competent down to the least character.

This picture is worth a good look and is better than the website contributors give it credit for. The climax was not thrilling, but probably the way many murder cases end in the real world, matter-of-fact and not with guns blazing like in the movies.
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