The Assault (2010)
Brilliant film ruined by dubbing
6 June 2013
I'm not going to add the reviews others here have posted as they cover all the bases much better than I could.

I watched this film because my son is/was mad about the GIGN. I went to the trouble of kitting him out for Halloween only for 95% of the people who saw him ask if he was SWAT. I've done a considerable amount of research into GIGN and was fortunate to get a GIGN poster signed to my son by a ex member.

The costumes and equipment used for the film was very well done, especially the use of revolvers over semi auto pistols.

What I will say is that I thought it was a brilliant movie ruined by being dubbed in English. If the dubbed version was done by French voice actors in English it would have been fine but the American accents got on my nerves after about 5 minutes. I would much rather have had subtitles and try to follow along with my rusty French.
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