Intriguing tale with Lionel Barrymore in another strong role
7 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes, when I read the reviews here at IMDb I wonder if I saw a different film. For example, one of the reviewers talked about all the comedy in this film. It's not a comedy, it a drama with occasional chuckles...just as is real life often.

And the story line description here on IMDb, which says that Lionel Barrymore's character is "Cantakerous, opinionated". Opinionated, perhaps. Cantankerous (check the spelling dear writer), no. This is an old man whom almost any of us would like having in our lives.

So, basically, our main character is set in his ways, and sort of tries to arrange his nephew to romance a young lady who works at the flower nursery, thinking it would be a perfect marriage. On his part, there's a spark. But on her part, there's none. But there is a lose agreement to marry, just minutes before the old man dies. Then the young lady does not feel she can change her mind. So, as an invisible ghost (except to us), Barrymore's character comes back to fix the mistakes he had set in motion.

Barrymore was just one of those special actors who could captivate you in almost any film...as he does here. His "On Borrowed Time" will certainly come to mind as you watch this...but fortunately, the young boy (who also dies at the end of this film) is played by a much more subtle actor than Bobs-Cry-A-Million-Tears-Watson. And, BTW, for those who think this is a comedy...yeah, there's nothing funnier than a child dying.

The supporting cast here is quite good. Helen Mack, as the young lady is quite good, although I am not very familiar with her. Edward Ellis as the doctor is just wonderful, and it you're into old movies, you'll recognize him, even if you don't know the name. It's always fun to see old fuss-budget Donald Meek, here as the mayor and neighbor. George Breakston is the child actor here, and he does very nicely. Allen Vincent, another actor that I am not familiar with, did well with the part of the man who is ultimately jilted.

As someone mentioned, this film moves a little slow, and that was not uncommon back in 1935. It's a good film, though, and worth watching at least once. Recommended, though it won't end up on my DVD shelf.
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