Another good movie from Alec Guinness.
7 June 2013

I was not expecting to like this, but I did. I thought it was really good.

The movie is about a British ship on it's way to meet a convoy, but on the way runs into a couple of French ships. What doesn't help is there is mutiny on the Defiant.

The movie stars Alec Guinness, Dirk Bogarde & Anthony Quale. Everyone was brilliant... there was not much bad acting. Everyone was convincing and I felt for some of the characters. My favourite character was played by Alec. He seemed to be such a good captain, but he runs into trouble when his second in command decides to take his position.

The story was average, but the cast and the action made the movie very good. There was some great fighting scenes between ships and even fighting scenes on the ships between people. The film was very subtle too. There were people being punished etc, but you didn't see anything which made this film family friendly.

I will give this film a 7 out of 10.

Another Alec classic... I am really growing into quite a fan.

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