Review of V/H/S/2

V/H/S/2 (2013)
9 June 2013
I decided to watch this film after seeing the first one about a year ago. My impressions on the first one weren't so great, even though I love horror flicks, yet I decided to give this sequel a chance, mostly based on the better rating it got, I confess. I think this film is too messy to be enjoyed, random stories with no link whatsoever (if not the shock value) around a central line : 2 private investigators looking into a disappeared student's flat for clues on his disappearance. None of the 4 stories which they discover on VHS tapes were really scary, the director mainly focused on the gory aspects. The shaky camera work (a big trend in horror since "the Blair witch project" it seems) actually managed to make me feel nauseous rather than caught by the realism of the shots. There are still good horror films produced nowadays, unfortunately I cannot place V/H/S/ 2 in that category, it just sounds like another mockumentary which fails at delivering what it is supposed to. I believe after turning 30 I've become pickier about the flicks that really manage to keep me focused. Or maybe the 20-something are actually less picky nowadays, hence the unexplainable good rating of this flick or "Cabin in the woods" !
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