Review of Kippur

Kippur (2000)
10 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was a film featured in the book 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die, I assumed it was something to do with war from the picture and DVD cover I saw, but either way it was an Israeli film I looked forward to trying. Basically it is set in 1973 during the Yom Kippur War between Egypt and Syria, specifically the Day of Atonement, the countries launched attacks in Sinai and the Golan Heights, and the story is told from the point of view of the Israeli soldiers. Leading the audience into the story and the quiet city streets are friends Weinraub (Liron Levo) and Ruso (Tomer Russo), and through their journey during the war they, along with other soldiers, witness mass death, destruction and devastation both in their minds and on the surface. Also starring Uri Ran Klauzner as Klausner, Yoram Hattab as The Pilot and Juliano Merr- Khamis as The Captain. The film is not a traditional war movie with blood, guts and glory, there are many scenes full of surrealism and sequences that give you an insight into the effects a war can cause, whether it be with the graphic and repetitive imagery or with the intriguing use of sound, it may not be the most gripping of films, but is an interesting enough war drama based on a true story. Worth watching!
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