Review of Stranded

Stranded (V) (2013)
Low budget Prometheus here
12 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Well...this is what happens when you probably spent 70% of your project's low budget to a B class star like Christian Slater: you ensure some traces of fame, but then you no longer have enough money for an average script writer and some decent visual effects. And your problem becomes bigger when the movie you want to make is a sci-fi horror movie. Because sci-fi horror movies without script and visual effects is like spaghetti carbonara without the spaghetti.

The producers of this film are decent, I give them that, they prepare the audience for a forthcoming C-movie experience from the very first minutes with that amateurish, almost funny "meteor storm" scene which proudly brings in mind those old visual effects from the 70's. Even "Space 1999" with its Alpha moon-base had more decent effects than this trash that certainly makes "Event Horizon" look watchable.

Acting is bad, bad, bad, almost funny, all actors should repeat their acting courses (if any) again, and maybe some of them should reconsider their future in acting, including Slater.

Oh, I almost forgot the "script". Actually there's no script, unless you call script some lame lines at which the actors repeat the word "Jesus" every 5 minutes like college students in a Fun Park. Prometheus scriptwriters you must feel unburdened - someone else wrote a more stupid script for a sci-fi movie than you did.

Borrowing some lines form the plot synopsis, I would say that watching this film leads to paranoia, fear and laugh and pure Boredom.
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