The Mindy Project (2012–2017)
A fresh breeze that outclasses all the mocumentaries and sitcoms out there!
13 June 2013
Lets start off with the cast. Everyone likes eye candy in a show and well this show won't have the likes that you see in CSI or Grey's anatomy. But its cast is strong, the characters are quirky and you grow attached to them.

The story is mostly one episode, one gig type but there is an internal connection between all the episodes, the best part is that no matter what mood you're in, happy, sad, angry...the Mindy project can always make you chuckle if not outright laugh.

There's a consistency about this show, it doesn't let you down. If you're a man this probably isn't your cup of tea but if you're a woman or even a girl this show is FUN and agreeable, i mean lets face it, we all are out there looking for the perfect guy while juggling our ambition! Give it a try beyond the pilot and you'll know what i mean.

This is my first review by the way, just for you Mindy!
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