The Last of Us (2013 Video Game)
Fantastic Exclusive To The PS3!
23 June 2013
How far can you go to surviving in a world filled with no rules or exceptions. The cities being swallowed by the Earth's beautiful nature following up with a nasty infection of a fungus creating dangerous environments and even corrupting the mind and body who ever breathes in the spores making the person go rabid. Not only you're facing creatures ,but also your fellow man as they try to kill you no matter what the circumstances are.

STORY- Simply one of the best hand crafted stories of all time!! It's amazing wanting to keep playing and playing so, you can never let that controller down. Right in the first 10 mins of the game, I had already tears coming out of my eyes. Now that's rare if a game can do that. Indeed game of the year!!

GAMEPLAY- Very solid from the beginning to top! Love how the situations are changing your options every-time. Then once you get to the "Clickers" and "Infected" so much panic making your heart beat so much cause of the fear factor in "The Last of Us" is quite remarkable.

GRAPHICS-Overly fantastic seeing mother earth's beautiful nature. All the little details are amazing and I can't believe this is a PS3 game

Joel- Simply a badass with no remorse.

Ellie- I love her attitude and she is very tough girl but, also the best character in the game!! Ellie FTW!!!

Multiplayer- Who knew The Last of US would include this nice addition. It clearly didn't need this ,but the Multplayer is just as great. Minor flaws and glitchs and what not. Oh well... practice this mode and you will be killing everybody on the team.

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