Sisters Weren't Doing It For Themselves In Those Days
25 June 2013
People leave their place of work at the Lumiere factory and go home

That's it nothing else to tell . There's a certain novelty value to this very short film and you have to keep that in mind in the context it was made . It seems strange nowadays in an era of ipods and iphones where anyone possessing one can do an ad hoc sex tape or film footage of a gun battle in Afghanistan or indeed watch a short ground breaking like this on youtube . Even stranger to think that this was the first film that people actually paid to see at a cinema , but again you have to remember the novelty value of moving pictures

One thing I did notice is how plump the woman appear in the film . That said in those days women around the world had a very rotten life as little more than baby factories . They were little more than serfs , wouldn't have careers and wouldn't have had the vote either . Say what you like about the 20th Century but time has improved the lives of women in Western secular democracy . Quite rightly too and we should feel a great deal of pity for the women in this film
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