Okay for spaghetti western fans
27 June 2013
If you are a fan of spaghetti westerns, "Prey of Vultures" (a.k.a. "Prey for Vultures" will pass the time agreeably enough. If not, it's likely you may be bothered by some problems in the movie. The movie gets to a good start, setting up the situation well. However, much of the remaining part of the movie is somewhat slow (though it never gets downright boring.) There is a twist in the story before the end, though I think most people will be able to predict it long before it happens. The movie could also have done with a few more action sequences, though there's compensation from the fact that the climatic gun/fist fight sequence is pretty good. There are also decent production values for what seems to have been a slightly underbudgeted production. As I indicated earlier, this movie is mainly for fans of the genre instead of newcomers.
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