Boring, pointless and... oh, that's right, even more boring...
8 July 2013
Right, well if this classifies as horror, then I am a pink bunny rabbit! "Tokyo Gore School" is without a doubt the most questionable and boring movies I have been bought from Amazon in a long, long time. Especially because with a title like "Tokyo Gore School", there was absolutely no gore in the movie at all.

And horror? Seriously? A stupid game of having to beat up other students to earn points and learn of their deepest, darkest secrets qualifies as horror? Hardly so.

The storyline in "Tokyo Gore School", well think "Battle Royale", then dumb it down and add a teenage pop-phenomena ingredient, then you have "The Hunger Games", then dumb it down another step and spice it up with more teenage pop-phenomena, and you end up with "Tokyo Gore School".

The story in this movie was as weaker in taste than plain tap water. There was absolutely no point to this movie in any way, and after about an hour or so of people running around and fighting one another (not overly well, mind you), then I simply gave up on this movie. There just simply was no leverage or anything even remotely interesting to keep me glued to the screen.

How this movie managed to score such a high rating is beyond me, but I assume there must be a massive Japanese teenage audience rating it. This movie was, simply put, just downright stupidity painted on a movie canvas.

I am rating "Tokyo Gore School" a 2 our of 10 rating. It manages not to score a total and utterly bottomscaping 1 out of 10 rating, because the movie production was actually adequate and the people hired for this movie were doing good enough attempts and jobs with their given roles - despite having absolutely nothing to work with.

This is pure boredom and pointlessness wrapped up in a live Manga wrapping and served as a movie.
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