Angel Beats! (2010)
All-around wonderful show with lovable characters
15 July 2013
This is one of the few anime series where I like every single one of the characters. There were times when certain characters annoyed me, but by the end I loved the, all. One character in particular annoyed me, but then there was a much-needed episode about her background, which made me like her more.

I think each one of the characters reached that point in their lives when they just felt lost and had no idea how their lives could possibly get better. Then they died in their youth before being able to really experience adulthood. That's how they ended up in this purgatorial world where they get a chance to attend high school and move on from their lives. A few of their backstories were revealed, and they were all sad and interesting.

Instead of normally attending classes, a group of people led by Yuri Nakamura fight against Angel in hopes of finding clues about God, but I believe that there is more to it than that. People are confused by why they fight against Angel, but I think there is a reason. Staying with Angel and enjoying a normal high school life would sorta mean accepting their life on Earth. I think that deep down they also want to fight so that they can stay in the purgatorial world longer with their friends.

I really love how this show has some action and comedy and still blends in some drama and just a touch of romance. Really, there are low chances that the romance in this show will annoy you, unless you want a lot of it. Personally, I get tired of romance after a while, so I like how it was done in this show.

And also, let's not forget the music. I loved all the songs in this show. Honestly, I kinda loved this show from the second it began because of the opening. There are also a lot of other great songs in this show.

Before you judge this show, you should at least watch the first and second episode, and maybe the third one. Also, know that it will get better. The first episode will probably confuse most people, but because the show is short with only 13 episodes (not including the hilarious OVA), the beginning is pretty fast and got me interested quickly. The second episode is pretty funny, and you start to know the characters more. Then at the end of that episode a backstory is revealed, and you realize that the show can get pretty serious and that the characters are pretty strong.

I think this show is one of my favorite anime series, and I would recommend it to anyone, whether they watch anime or not. I would recommend trying to be openminded though. I really love the characters, artwork, and music. The show had action (though not that much), comedy, drama (it gets more serious towards the middle/end), and just a hint of romance. I also love the concept of the show, and I definitely think it's worth watching and rewatching and remembering for years to come.
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