Western with a historical lesson
15 July 2013
It's Nelson Eddy again, but this time without Jeanette - in an unusual Western musical! "Let Freedom Ring" (1939) is finally available on DVD. It is a patriotic action picture based on the 19th century struggle of farmers against the railroads. History with distant echoes where I grew up in the Midwest, from stories I heard and reflected by novelists such as Frank Norris with "The Octopus" and "the Pit". First was land grabbing by nefarious means as dramatized in the film. Later, of course, came the gaming of freight rates to rob the farmers even further, into the 20th century. See Nelson Eddy lead the charge against Edward Arnold, notorious villain from Wall Street, and his hired thug Victor McLaglen, who exploit the immigrant railroad workers and homestead farmers alike! "Wall Street" is mentioned pejoratively three times; this would never happen in today's ideologically sanitized Hollywood. Otherwise, a wholesome Ben Hecht script with Arson! Fistfights! Gunfire! Noble Nelson in fine voice with codger Lionel Barrymore, comic Charles Butterworth, and comely Virginia Bruce. Plus many others in a star spangled film.
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