Touching little film
27 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Why is this a good film? Because it shows a slice of life as it really is, without any sugar coating, without dei ex machinas, without makeup, without resorting to Hollywood-style happy endings.

Yes. This is life. We've all been there (at least this writer has), and life hurts. Brushing against a different future and then seeing it disappear into thin air is one of the most painful feelings in life. The rest of your life will be spent with "what ifs" and "what-might-have- beens". Depressing, I know. I'm sorry.

Dror Keren as Yigal the cab driver gives a subdued yet true-to-life performance as a loser, financially as well as romantically, and makes us feel for him. Cheer up, mate. We empathize with you. Things will not get any better, but you're not alone (not that it eases the pain).
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