The Future of Cinema
30 July 2013
The final segment of this series focuses on... the gorilla. Cousins uses the gorilla as a metaphor for innovation and unexpected twists and turns. Do movies today have a gorilla?

Interestingly, after 9/11, reality film was able to outdo fantasy in many respects. Just look at "Fahrenheit 9/11". Indeed, I do think documentary film has really come into its own since 2001. (In some ways it is replacing investigative journalism.)

We have edgy Korean film, including "Oldboy" (which is being redone by Spike Lee as I type this). And we have Cousins comparing "Wizard of Oz" with "Mulholland Drive", which is wild.

Of course, we have computer technology pushing the limits of the new digital medium. "Inception" would not have been possible in the 1980s, and "Avatar" probably could not have been done in the 1990s...
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