pure Eurotrash famous for animal cruelty
1 August 2013
Nowadays after the death of Paul Naschy suddenly his flicks are becoming available in boxes. Naschy was hated by so many people but it's typically, when you're death you become famous. And so it went for Naschy. Back in the eighties and even the nineties it was almost a conspiracy to keep Naschy as obscure as possible in the US. Been seen in so many European flicks most of them became unavailable or were even rare to find. But once the era of VHS was over slowly his flicks came out on DVD. Still, a lot aren't out but The Hunchback Of The Morgue is out there. It's notorious for one reason, animal cruelty.

Coming from Spain and being featured in many Spanish flicks most of those Eurotrash flicks are badly dubbed or are out on expensive Japanese VHS releases full uncut because that's the trouble with Naschy's flicks. Being famous in Spain just like Lee in the UK or Price in the US Naschy's flicks were mostly cut due the nudity involved in his flicks. Most collectors know Naschy from his portraying of the tragic lycanthrope, Count Waldemar. Here Naschy is just a retarded hunchback searching for the girl he loves.

Also out as The Rue Morgue Massacres in fact this flick has nothing to do with Poe's story. The release under that title was made by All Seasons VHS label and they just didn't care at all that Rue Morgue had nothing to do with a morgue but was a French street not even mentioned in this flick. He was just a hunchback working at a morgue. He is hated and victim of abuse and insults in his hometown but only one person understands him, a sick girl dying of TBC. He visits her every day in the hospital and brings her fresh flowers. One day he arrives when she just has died and he notices that students are trying to remove jewelery from the corpse. In a fury he kills them. The slaughtering is shown in a rather gory way with decapitation and disemboweling scenes. I was rather surprised by the way it was shown. Even intestines are shown. But the most notorious part comes a few moments later when the corpse is being attacked by rats. The rats were the real thing used in this flick but Goto (Naschy) sets them on fire. And that part made this flick famous for setting rats on fire shown in front of the camera. A thing nowadays is impossible.

From there on Goto is provided shelter by a mad doctor who promise him to bring back the girl who died (Frankenstein story). From there on a monster is created with the help of corpses and living girls captured by Goto and the use of a secret lab and of course the bubbling acid bath.

What's so weird is that most releases do show the rats running around being burned alive but the love scene being cut out. Be sure to catch the full uncut.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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