Not So Groovy
4 August 2013
"Cindy Weeks" (Debbie Osborne) and "Donna Weeks" (Nancy Ison) are half-sisters living together with their alcoholic parents. "Ted Weeks" (Max Manning) is Cindy's father who stays out late getting drunk and sleeping around with younger women. "Harriet" (Sue Allen), the mother of both Cindy and Donna, complains about everything while getting completely drunk as well. Needless to say, neither Cindy nor Donna have role models worth emulating and their values suffer as a result. Donna spends most of her time with her boyfriend, "Greg" (Tom Benko) smoking pot and having sex. Cindy happens to see them one night and is revolted by it. Not long afterward she catches Ted coming home extremely drunk and having sex with Donna as well. Noticing that Donna doesn't seem too perturbed about it the next morning, Cindy decides to smoke pot with her best-friend "Karen" (Cheryl Powell). One thing leads to another and soon Cindy starts becoming more interested in sex and turns to Karen, who happens to be sexually liberated, for advice. Anyway, I bought this in a 2-set DVD under the title of "Drive-In Cult Classics" which features 8 little-known films made specifically for a period in time when the drive-ins were in desperate shape. Although they were quite popular in the 50's, drive-ins began to steadily recede through the 60's and reached a critical time in the 70's. One of the reasons for this was due to the fact that drive-ins operated only at night and during the summer. As a result they had a limited number of times they could show a movie. Indoor theaters, on the other hand, could show a movie 5 or 6 times a day. So the major studios began to send their first-run films to indoor theaters since it was more profitable. That left the drive-ins having to settle for B-movies and eventually X-rated films. This particular film is an example. While it isn't quite X-rated, it does have quite a few scenes featuring nudity and sex. Surprisingly, although a movie of this sort usually doesn't have any actors worth mentioning, I thought both Debbie Osborne and Nancy Ison performed fairly well. But the dialogue, plot and supporting cast left much to be desired. So much so that I think it's safe to say that this film was definitely not so "groovy". I have rated it accordingly.
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