Movie 43 (2013)
I can actually tolerate "Movie 43", I just choose not to
4 August 2013
(**) out of (****)- ROTTEN

"It's the Citizen Kane of awful!" "It's been shelved for over three years!" "No actors are promoting it" "It has a zero on Rotten Tomatoes!" Who on EARTH would pay to see such a thing? Me of course! Call me sophomoric, but whenever I want to see a film, whether good/bad consensus, I see it anyway out of my own curiosity. To my surprise, maybe I just had too much of an open mind or I had some LSD, but this movie is not the earth-shatteringly, god-awful atrocity probably 95% of the Internet is leading you to believe.

What they're not telling you is how entertainingly awful these skits are, but the sour feeling you get after you watch it does not leave you. See with Movie 43: It's pretty damn amusing to see actors such as Naomi Watts and Kate Winslet to be engaged in some pretty degrading roles, and see them just take a big sh-t on their career. The problem? This is where the fun ends.

For one, I hate the rating of this film. It's a solid R (tons of breasts, vaginas, etc.), lots of foul language, and I wouldn't even feel comfortable having my 15 year old cousin watching this, but the humor is so childish, without all its adulterated gigs, it would be a G rating. It's almost like the directors are left with this weird, unclear demographic. What's also pretty lazy about this film is how cheap the entire thing looks. You can definitely see all the money went to these actors and not much else.

There's not much to be said about Movie 43, than what I already have said. The skits, while entertaining to see your favorite stars engage in some whimsical gags, just leave you with a bitter feeling afterwards, like you just gave a homeless guy on the street money for crack. And the entire thing feels cheap and nothing more than a cash grab. Nonetheless, it induced a few laughs out of me here and there and while it's a train wreck, it's one I couldn't stop looking at. So Movie 43 is tolerable, however, there's no way in hell I'd see it again.
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